FERL Endowment

The FERL Endowment is an investment in the Esparto Regional Library in perpetuity. Endowments are permanent. They are funds established with the requirement that the principal is never spent. The principal remains in the fund, growing the fund each year. The balance in the funds is invested, earning income that is then spent to support programs, services, and material acquisitions. Any interest earned during a given year may be drawn from the account to support the library’s programs and services at the discretion of the FERL board of directors. 

When FERL started raising funds for the construction of the library in the early 90s, many generous donations were made. FERL was able to create the Endowment with the remaining funds after the library construction was completed. By contributing to the FERL Endowment Fund, you give a lasting gift to the community. This gift promotes literacy and lifelong learning now and for generations to come. You may donate to the Endowment in honor of a friend or family. 


To donate to the FERL Endowment, please mail your contribution to:

Friends of the Esparto Regional Library
PO Box 787
Esparto, CA 95627

In the memo line on your check or on a note, please specify that your contribution is for the FERL Endowment Fund.

Also, please specify if you prefer your donation to be anonymous or if FERL may publicly acknowledge your contribution.

FERL is a 501 (c) 3 organization; Your contribution to FERL is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. FERL’s tax identification number is: 

Thank you for supporting the Esparto Regional Library!

If you have any questions, contact FERL President:
Jim Schulte