be a friend
learn more below, or...
FERL also supports...
Monthly Programs, Guest Speakers, Movies, and Gardening Workshops
Summer reading programs for children
Providing cloth book bags with a library starter kit for new library cardholders
Funding the purchase of new books
Our volunteers beautify the library grounds by...
Maintaining the Gardens
Decorating the Display Cases
Promoting the Children’s Christmas Shopping Day
Stocking the Book Nook
Run the Annual Book Sale at the Almond Festival
We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our members
and volunteers who support the Esparto Regional Library.
FERL is dedicated to promoting life-long learning via the Esparto Regional Library.
Here are some of the ways you can be involved...
Become a member of FERL.
FERL membership envelopes are available at the library front desk, or click here to download and print a PDF file.
FERL Endowment
Contribute to the FERL Endowment.
The FERL Endowment accepts monetary, real estate, and property gifts.
As a corpus fund, all contributions deposited in the FERL Endowment are kept intact.
Only the interest generated, year after year, can be used to enhance the library.
By contributing to the Endowment, you give a lasting gift to the library.
FERL Endowment contributions may be made using the membership envelopes located at the library front desk,
or contact FERL President: Jim Schulte or send us a message.
Memorials represent contributions by community members to the Friends of the Library. They are in remembrance of a departed friend or family member, recognizing the memory of the departed with a lasting and meaningful gift to the community.
FERL sponsors many fundraisers throughout the year including:
Almond Festival, Bunco, Big Day of Giving.
Help by Volunteering at a FERL event.
Enroll in the Nugget Scrip program. Pick up a Nugget Scrip card at the library, register your scrip card online via: and select The Friends of the Esparto Regional Library as your donation organization. A percentage of your purchases will come to FERL to support programs and services at the library.
Book Nook Donations and Purchases
Gently used books are available for sale at the Library behind the front desk.
Your purchase supports the Library, gives you fun reading,
and is great source of books for gifts for the young, old and in-between!
Paperbacks $1
Hardbacks $2
Magazines are also available
Donate books year round for the Book Nook, the Almond Festival Book Sale, and for Better World Books (a book-donation program that gives back to the library).
Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities:
Sort donated books year round for the annual Almond Festival Book Sale
Maintain the FERL website
Garden maintenance every Thursday mornings
Tutor at the library for English language learners or beginning readers.
If interested, please Contact Us.
Become a Board Member
There are 10 FERL Board Meetings each year.
Board meetings are open to the public.
Board members serve 2 year terms.
Contact Us for more Information.